Recently I have had quite a few questions about what can be done to make a house sell more quickly. It is not a secret that listings are sitting a while longer than they used to. There are the obvious things that I always tell people about; staging, price, improvements, marketing, patience. There are tons of things that can really help a house sell. Tricks and tips that I had never thought of until I entered real estate (I am going to post another blog about those more practical tips shortly), like unplugging all your different scented plug-ins so you quit confusing people’s senses. However, as clever as those tips are sometimes it just isn’t fast enough. Which leads us to this…
A couple months back I went into the office and our broker asked me what I knew about Saint Joseph and selling a house. He must have asked me because I am the office mystic, right? No, it was because I watch “Flipping Out” on Bravo about the neurotic man with OCD that flips houses and his lid. Anyways, Jeff uses a statue of Saint Joseph to help him sell his homes and I guess my broker had seen it too. Admittedly, this was not the first time I had heard about Saint Joe and his abilities. My mother had actually used him to sell her house and I was in the habit of carrying small versions in my car in case a client ever asked me about one. No one ever asked, and not being one to force my mojo on someone I never offered. However, now I am getting questions about him on a semi regular basis because Saint Joseph is getting tons of press. It got me wondering about what else people may try and what other mystical things were popular to sell a home. I came up with tons, but narrowed it down to three that weren’t so weird.
The Methods-Saint Joseph:You can buy a “Saint Joseph Sell My House Kit” at the Catholic supply, eBay, or about 100 other places on the web. There are tons of directions about how to use him the most popular being; Dig a hole in the front yard next to the “For Sale” sign large enough to fit your statue in , place him upside down on his head facing the house, cover him up, and dig him up when the house sells.Here is a cool article Saint Joseph and home sales:
http://www.aroundhawaii.com/business/real_estate/2007-03_can_st._joseph_sell_your_home.htmlPlaces to buy:
http://www.goodfortuneonline.net/http://stjosephstatue.com/Maneki Neko (Beckoning Cat):This one is also a statue of a revered “saint” of sorts. Maneki Neko is a Japanese patron of good luck & fortune in business, love, academics, you name it. Have you ever been into the Chinese food restaurant and seen those cat statues with the waving paws? That is a Maneki Neko, or beckoning cat. Supposedly, if you get a Maneki Neko with a left upraised paw he will beckon visitors to wherever you place him. The best spot to place him is facing the front door. Asia is mad for Meneki Neko and he is starting to catch on here in the states. Here is a good site about Meneki Neko:
http://www.namaii.com/manekineko/legend-of-maneki-neko.htmlPlace to buy:
http://www.ebay.com/Feng Shui:Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of placement. The object is to place things to maximize energy flow. It can get pretty complicated to rearrange a whole house and just like staging there are experts in that field to come do it for you. The tip that I am talking about here is really simple. I read it somewhere in a book that I can’t find now. Take a piece of metal from the kitchen ,dirt from the yard, put it all in a red envelope and cast into a fast flowing river. That shouldn’t be so hard with all the rivers around St. Louis. You can just hire someone to really get you straightened out but it can be expensive.I figure it this way, "It can't hurt". Good Luck!