Tuesday, October 30, 2012

MO' Magnesium, MO' Money- How a Top Real Estate Agent Copes With Stress

'Stress Reduction' photo (c) 2011, Eamon Curry - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/I asked my friend Morley to write a guest blog for me about Magnesium, my favorite supplement. I know what you all are thinking, "What the FLIP does this have to do with real estate?". You would be right in thinking I have veered a little off track (or that my train has slid off my track), but from conception this blog was meant to be more about a lifestyle, not just pictures of houses. I felt that this blog was especially important since 90% of my clients are hard working, full throttle professionals whose schedules were just as crazy as mine. Magnesium is a HUGE part in how I cope with a crazy schedule and life. I want to share with all of you how I am reducing stress, reducing prescription meds and getting my life not only on track...but making it better.

“Mo’ Maggie, in 3…”
By Morley M. Robbins (aka “MgMan!”)

Leigh invited me recently to put some added spotlight on Magnesium (Mg) – I jumped for joy! Then she said: “Please limit your remarks to the just three things you like most about Mg!” “Three, I gasped!?! But…” She put her foot down, and said again, “Yes, only three!...”

Well for anyone’s who’s caught my Magnesium-oriented jabs, from time-to-time on FB, you know that I’m hardly brief. But I’m also compliant. So here goes… three things.

One of my all time heroes in the world of promoting Magnesium is the internationally known trainer, Charles Poliquin. He’s an absolute rock star when it comes to understanding and promoting the value of enhanced Magnesium stores in our body.

Now, his 1st article of note on this topic is almost three years old (I know, it’s woefully out of date…), but it sets the stage beautifully for my charge – I would strongly recommend you read it as a Mg primer

He does a masterful job of outlining many notable functions and dysfunctions that Mg corrects, among the following:
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Insulin Sensitivity
  • Hyperactivity
  • Inflammation
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Memory
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sleep (Leigh’s obsession…;-) )
  • Stress
  • Control Obesity

Sort of reads like a “Who’s Who” of modern chronic disease, right? All from just this one vitalizing mineral that’s AWOL. Given that, here’s what I admire most – in three leaps.

1.      Mo’ Energy: It’s estimated that we have 100 Trillion cells in our body. And each one has a power plant called the Mitochondria where ATP is made and metabolized to create energy. What you may NOT know is that you can’t manufacture, position or properly metabolize ATP unless it is fused or activated with Mg.

In fact, whenever you see ATP on a biochemical flow chart, just know that Maggie is powerfully bound to this Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) molecule. So if you have any “energy” issues, it’s likely that Mg deficiency is more likely the cause, rather than Iron deficiency. And why would I say that? Because Mg is easily lost due to *S*T*R*E*S*S* -- not so with Iron. (And the form of Iron that’s typically used to “correct” this alleged energy issue, causes further Mg loss – pretty clever, eh?) In any event, if it’s energy you be lacking, it’s Magnesium you be needing. And a cell without energy is a cell that’s inviting disorder, dysfunction, and ultimately disease – guaranteed.

2.      Better Sleep: Sleep is a rapidly disappearing concept in society today. The rising dependence on coffee is a clear indication that we’re losing our natural ability to attain rest and relaxation, which are the very qualities that define the Parasympathetic Nervous System. And why are we stuck in Sympathetic mode (aka, fight or flight)? Because our Sympathetic Nervous System is ruled by Calcium, which is why folks in North America are locked in hyper-sympathetic mode, and thus having difficulty shutting it down.

But I need all that Calcium to avoid Osteoporosis… Right? And if you really believe that, I’ve got both a used BMW, and a bridge, that I’d like to sell you… Osteoporosis is purely a Mg deficiency issue. And what you may not know is that Mg regulates ALL three Hormones (Calcitonin, PTH and Hormone-D) that dictate the location and the level of Calcium throughout our bodies.

And the ultimate issue, the last step to forming Melatonin is Magnesium-dependent. And while I understand the temptation to use Melatonin is great, I’m far more in favor of giving my body the raw mineral materials and letting nature take its course. My $$$’s on my Hypothalamus, not somebody else’s synthetically-derived Hormones.

3.      The Rosetta Stone of Chronic Disease: We live in challenging (think *S*T*R*E*S*S*F*U*L*) times. We’re constantly seeking ways to simplify our lives. And what I’ve noted on the web is a propensity of health practitioners to talk one day about this disease, and another day about that disease, and yet another day about a 3rd disease as though they are completely unrelated metabolically. What they fail to do is inform their followers that each of these conditions, and many others, have a common origin – Mg deficiency. I know what you’re thinking: it’s got to be more complicated than that, right? I thought so, too. It’s not.

It’s widely recognized that ALL chronic diseases, including Cancer, have as their origin: Inflammation. The very 1st step of the Inflammatory Cascade is brought to us by Substance P (which stands for “Production,” btw). Well the research team of Weglicki and Phillips from GWU rocked the medical and scientific worlds when they proved that the cellular trigger for Substance P is Mg deficiency.

Armed with that knowledge, I’ve now read over 450 scientific articles on Magnesium and Mg deficiency. I’ve also catalogued them along 18 different chronic diseases. In fact, I had one client (82 yrs young) who rang the bell on ALL 18, and when she realized that her entire lifelong litany of conditions related to a mineral imbalance, a giant weight lifted, and was replaced by a glimmer of hope.

It’s hard to fathom Mg’s reach within our bodies. 80% of our metabolism depends on Maggie for optimal performance. In my humble opinion, the big three for day-to-day survival are Air, Water, and Magnesium. Yup, it’s that important. And without it, as most of us are, our bodies create a laundry list of conditions that on the surface appear completely unrelated, were it not for this multifaceted mineral Rosetta Stone. And for those who doubt that, bring up your favorite Search Engine, put the condition you’re most worried about, followed by “Magnesium Deficiency,” and be prepared to be surprised.

OK, I’ve had my fling. One, two and three. (But please don’t tell Leigh that I snuck in a dozen others with my opening remarks.)

So, I’ll leave you with one last thought. Charles Poliquin won’t work with a client until their Mag RBC level is above 6.0mg/dL, because he knows that they can’t perform at their peak without optimal levels of Maggie. So what’s your level? When was the last time you had it tested? To know your blood lipid levels, your blood glucose levels, you’re Thyroid marker levels, and your 25-Hydroxyvitamin-D levels and not know your Mg levels is unfortunate, especially when you learn that all those classic blood markers are related to your Mg status… Maybe it really is the Rosetta Stone…

A votre santé!

* * * * * * * * * * *

Morley M. Robbins                            

Morley Robbins has been actively serving the healthcare field for the last 32+ years, as a hospital executive, healthcare consultant, and now Wellness Coach. Following a successful career managing and consulting to hospitals and health care systems, he realized that he could no longer stand the revolving door mentality of these “sick care” centers.

He is dedicating the balance of his career to “saving one starfish at a time” by coaching clients about how to eat “real food,” restore their mineral balance, especially their Magnesium status, and thereby, facilitate the process of natural healing. He has discovered the “fountain of youth” in his newfound persona of “Magnesium Man!” and is proud of his efforts to raise awareness about the importance of Magnesium via the efforts of his recently formed Magnesium Advocacy Group (www.magfor.org).

He is delighted to be preaching to others what he has practiced for the last 30 years. He can be viewed on Youtube, reached online at morley@MagnesiumMan.com or contacted by cellphone at 847.922.8061.

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